Mot-clé : Layout


The Guido Engine - A toolbox for music scores rendering

Linux Audio Conference, 2009, Parma, Italy. pp.105-111

The Guido Music Notation format (GMN) is a general purpose formal language for representing score level music in a platform independent plain text and human readable way. Based on this music representation format, the Guido Lib provides a generic, portable library and API for the graphical rendering of musical scores. This paper gives an introduction to the music notation format and to the Guido graphic score rendering engine. An example of application, the Gui... Lire la suite

The Guido Music Notation format (GMN) is a general purpose formal language for representing score level music in a platform independent plain text and human readable way. Based on this music representation format, the Guido Lib provides a generic, portable library and API for the graphical rendering of musical scores. This paper gives an introduction to the music notation format and to the Guido graphic score rendering engine. An example of application, the GuidoSceneComposer, is next presented.

Christophe Daudin, Dominique Fober, Stéphane Letz, Yann Orlarey

Mots-clés :
GUIDO, Layout, Music, Notation, Score


IMUTUS Score Processing Components

International Computer Music Conference, 2005, Barcelona, Spain. pp.427-430

IMUTUS is an IST European project that aims at the development of an open platform for training students on the recorder. Among the results of the project are two open source libraries for music representation and graphic notation: the MusicXML library, intended to support the MusicXML format and to provide music notation exchange capabilities, and the GUIDO library that provides a powerful graphic score engine. This paper introduces both libraries and describe... Lire la suite

IMUTUS is an IST European project that aims at the development of an open platform for training students on the recorder. Among the results of the project are two open source libraries for music representation and graphic notation: the MusicXML library, intended to support the MusicXML format and to provide music notation exchange capabilities, and the GUIDO library that provides a powerful graphic score engine. This paper introduces both libraries and describes their use in IMUTUS system.

Dominique Fober, Stéphane Letz, Yann Orlarey

Mots-clés :
GUIDO, Layout, Music, MusicXML, Score