Dominique Fober, Stéphane Letz, Yann Orlarey

Mots-clés :
Composition musicale, Programmation


Hierarchical Real Time Interapplication Communications

International Computer Music Conference, 1991, Montréal, Canada. pp.408-415

Real time interapplication communications are a key feature in musical multi-task operating systems. Independent applications can therefore be connected and collaborate by exchanging messages and data through communication channels. All these collaborating applications define a virtual network the user can dynamically configurate. The topology of such virtual network specifies the way applications can be connected together. This paper introduces a new hierarchi... Lire la suite

Real time interapplication communications are a key feature in musical multi-task operating systems. Independent applications can therefore be connected and collaborate by exchanging messages and data through communication channels. All these collaborating applications define a virtual network the user can dynamically configurate. The topology of such virtual network specifies the way applications can be connected together. This paper introduces a new hierarchical topology we recently implemented in our MidiShare multi-task operating system. This approach offers several advantages and particularly when a large number of applications are involved or in a multi-user context.


An Efficient Scheduling Algorithm for Real-Time Musical Systems

International Computer Music Conference, 1990, Glasgow, United Kingdom. pp.194-198

Scheduling problems hold an important place in most real-time musical systems. We here present an algorithm allowing to solve these problems efficiently and ensuring a bounded low scheduling cost per event in any circumstances. Its principle is to maintain events all the better sorted out as their running time gets closer.

Yann Orlarey

Mots-clés :
Real-time, Scheduling


MidiShare : a Real Time multi-tasks software module for Midi applications

International Computer Music Conference, 1989, Colombus, United States. pp.234-237

This paper introduces MidiShare, a real time software module meant for the development of Midi applications in a multi-tasks context. MidiShare brings facility in most of the fields concerned with the development of musical applications: communications management, precise time control, tasks scheduling. The originality of MidiShare lies in its capacity to deal with multiple Midi applications running at the same time. Besides, MidiShare offers some interesting p... Lire la suite

This paper introduces MidiShare, a real time software module meant for the development of Midi applications in a multi-tasks context. MidiShare brings facility in most of the fields concerned with the development of musical applications: communications management, precise time control, tasks scheduling. The originality of MidiShare lies in its capacity to deal with multiple Midi applications running at the same time. Besides, MidiShare offers some interesting possibilities, particularly the one consisting in a dynamic connection between Midi applications through internal links. MidiShare was at first designed for the Macintosh under MultiFinder, it is now available on other machines.

Yann Orlarey, Hervé Lequay

Mots-clés :
Communication, MIDI, Operating, Real-time, System


MIDI-LISP, a LISP-based music programming environment for the Macintosh

International Computer Music Conference, 1986, Den Haag, Netherlands. pp.183-186

Lee Boynton, Pierre Lavoie, Yann Orlarey, Camilo Rueda, David Wessel

MidiLogo : a Midi Composing Environment for the Apple IIe

International Computer Music Conference, 1986, Den Haag, Netherlands. pp.211-213

Yann Orlarey


M-LOGO : un langage de programmation orienté composition musicale

International Computer Music Conference, 1984, Paris, France

Yann Orlarey

Un dispositif de saisie gestuelle et de commande à vocation multiple

International Computer Music Conference, 1984, Paris, France

Pierre-Alain Jaffrenou, Ludovic Champenois, Pierre Jaubert